When we co-create — listening below the surface, the options are boundless.


Each individual and group bring their unique story. Needs emerge from both what is spoken and what has yet to be told. In an emerging process, our purpose is not to already know the story or supply the answers but, instead, to wonder alongside each other — curious about what is feared as much as what is desired.

How we move towards truth together:

  • In a world that encourages productivity over presence, we are not supported in slowing down to familiarize ourselves with uncomfortable feelings and thoughts. Modulating and respecting pace is vital for effective exploration.

  • Often when a conflict or break in trust occurs, we impulsively respond by eclipsing feelings of guilt and wanting to “fix it.” This attempt to do something can bypass the pause needed to feel the pain and explore underlying factors that contributed to the loss of interpersonal trust.

    Focusing on getting in touch with body sensations and continuing to ground in the present moment can anchor us when we fear the difficult.

  • When we enter into relationship, we bring our histories into the room. Our identities and social locations affect how we see, sense, and experience ourselves and others. With mindful reflection and investigation, we can begin to awaken to the impact of power and cultural dynamics — experienced, but so often ignored.

  • We often don’t recognize survival mode kicking in, when conflict and hurt arise. We think our thoughts and beliefs are 100% situated to real time, but often they are messages from the past that served to protect us. We can learn new ways to be with what scares us —ways that engender vulnerability, in place of shutting it down.

  • True attunement to a person’s story is a rare thing. Instead, people find themselves thinking of reasons for their behavior or ways to sympathize with the teller. This mismatch can result in failure to hear the truth of a person’s lived experience and, ultimately, their needs. Learning how to listen is an art and a gift.


Make self-investigation an act of love!

  • Believe that knowing yourself better

    can lead to greater change with those you partner with and justice in our world

  • Explicitly shine a light

    on where and how whiteness shows up, inside yourself and in relation to others, and enacts dominance and dehumanization

  • Strengthen capacity for dual awareness:

    become conscious of and curious about your charged responses as survival responses in the present moment

  • Access and explore internal triggers

    and conflicts that impact your capacity to listen to and hear the experiences of others

  • Expand your ability to hold multiple perspectives

    by learning to recognize and soothe the parts of you that get stressed and scared when difference arises

  • Undo chronic patterns

    of feeling stuck, nervous, or deflated in working through interpersonal tension and conflict